WoW Woman in Femcare | Danela Zagar, Global Brand Manager at INTIMINA

Interview by Anja Streicher


Meet Danela Zagar, Global Brand Manager at INTIMINA

INTIMINA is a Swedish brand that offers the first and only range of products dedicated exclusively to all aspects of women’s intimate health. Their mission is to provide a comprehensive collection of products and information for women at every stage of life, from the first menstruation to beyond menopause.

Danela joined Intimina’s sisterhood two years ago where she obtains a function of a Global Brand Manager. Company’s main mission is to make being a woman easier in today’s world where period shame is a societal issue. Danela oversees and coordinates all marketing campaigns of the brand whose main goal is to break period taboos. The current position allows her to spark a conversation about woman’s intimate health and how this reflects on our everyday life, from personal to professional aspects. Before Intimina, Danela spent five years specializing in socially engaged public relations in the non - profit sector and digital marketing in a full-service marketing agency.

We’re happy and proud to be partnering with INTIMINA to organize the FemTech Forum, the first global virtual conference about FemTech on June 25th where Danela will be joining us as a speaker on a panel “Designing Products to Suit (And Fit) A Modern Woman’s Needs”. Until then, enjoy this interview and book your ticket now!

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Danela, tell us more about INTIMINA as a company, your company culture, your mission and vision. 

INTIMINA’s story began in 2009, and since then we’ve been making women’s lives easier and healthier, regardless of their age or location. Our mission since then has been, and still is, to break stereotypes, to educate and to promote confidence, wellbeing and sustainability. We are staying close to women, we want to make them feel like we are here for them, even in the most vulnerable moments. That being said, we’re not saying having periods is making women vulnerable – quite the opposite, they’re strong in spite of it: Where intimacy begins, a woman begins.

I love to say that INTIMINA is like your older sister, it teaches you how to connect with your body and your inner, natural woman. Our essential intimate care products really meet all women’s needs in every life cycle. INTIMINA is the way you live your womanhood. It’s the way women live their life before and during menstruation, not just when menstruation or pelvic floor problems occur!


If you could describe INTIMINA in three words, what would those be?

Intimacy, Care and Trustworthiness - these characteristics are INTIMINA!

What kind of products and services does INTIMINA offer to their customers? 

INTIMINA is the only brand that addresses the full spectrum of women’s intimate wellness while being inclusive in every way possible. From reinventing the menstrual cup to developing the world’s first smart Kegel exerciser - there is everything one woman needs - from the early teenage years, through pregnancy and finally, menopause.

We offer the first unique and comprehensive collection of products for menstrual care and protection. We’re very proud of our reusable menstrual cups as they are really a game-changer! Not only are they better for women’s health, but also for the wallet and for the environment.

The second line of our products are two types of products to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. We developed these products in response to the increasing demand for solutions to pelvic floor problems. Kegels are the #1 doctor-recommended treatment for incontinence, but most women don’t do them correctly. Our products offer women of all ages a more effective way to exercise their pelvic floor. Featuring the world’s first smart Kegel exerciser, the KegelSmart, as well as Laselle Weighted Exercisers, achieving a strong, healthy pelvic floor, has never been so easy. 

For all of those who haven’t tried menstrual cups (just yet), what would you say are some of the benefits of it and what should we keep in mind in order to find the best fit? 

Using a menstrual cup is cost-efficient, but it’s also eco-friendly. Our entire range is made out of high quality, 100% medical grade silicone which is safe for the human body, but it’s gentle to nature too. Cutting down carbon footprint is important more than ever, and we are actively participating in that battle.

What I love the most about menstrual cups is that they really give you confidence, hygiene, and comfort. INTIMINA’s biggest advantage is our innovative range, so every single one of our customers can find a perfect fit for themselves: from perfect starter cup Lily Cup One, to the world’s first collapsible one Lily Cup Compact, period protection during sex with Ziggy Cup, and a perfect fit for moms is Lily Cup. 

INTIMINA talks openly about menstrual health and I saw that you have launched #WhileBleeding talks as well, based on your experience - is menstrual health still a taboo? Did you find it difficult starting a conversation around menstrual health?

Unfortunately, we have been told that menstruation (intimate care) is shameful and something rarely talked about. We live in a (global) society where INTIMACY means talking about the things that are not socially acceptable – even if it means talking about periods and everything that comes with it. This is changing, but slowly. INTIMINA wants to spark a conversation around that. We live in a world where period shame is a societal issue. Periods are systematically ignored, euphemized, used to mock, shame, and demonize women. We don’t talk about it, and surely we do not talk about something so strange as menstrual cups. And the funny thing is that it's only periods. It's so normal, it's who we are, it's us. 

This inspired us and we created a concept INTIMINA talks - series of offline and online small intimate events where we encourage people to talk about periods, about their body, and feel good about themselves. This way we empower them to show the world, loud and clear that all of that makes them bold and strong.

Exactly that we did in our last, currently ongoing campaign #WhileBleeding. We gathered six amazing women to hear their stories about their pain and struggles and how they’ve managed to overcome those obstacles. We wanted to show that they, we are strong, accomplished, and brave, especially #WhileBleeding. And more importantly, we wanted to spread the message that you don’t know what difference you might be able to make for someone going through the same challenges as you!  

What about pelvic floor exercises? I feel like we started talking about periods, but pelvic floor conversations still remain silent. 

Definitely! Problems with pelvic floor muscles are still not part of the women’s intimate health debate - we should be louder about these problems because they are very very often.  Women who have given birth often experience urinary incontinence after pregnancy, some researches say that one in three women are affected by some form of incontinence, some studies linked a weaker pelvic floor to a variety of sexual issues, including vaginal dryness, loss of desire, decrease in orgasm frequency... In public discourse this is considered embarrassing, but it’s our reality and we need to tackle it. 

With that in mind, we gathered the Medical Advisory Board and created INTIMINA’s pelvic floor strengthening line which is focused on redefining womanhood, especially motherhood. We offer KegelSmart and Laselle Weighted Exercisers (which come in three sizes, weights) to exercise pelvic floor muscles so they become strong to prevent stress incontinence when you cough, sneeze, lift or carry, for example. 

We conducted a clinical trial held by University Medicine Institute in Arizona which showed how 100% of women had improved their pelvic floor health using KegelSmart in just 12 weeks. Even 92% of them reported better sexual sensations. Sounds amazing, and not embarrassing, right?  


What’s the role of social media nowadays in educating women about their health and how is INTIMINA using social channels to talk to their customers directly? 

The role of social media in educating women is huge. Let’s look back at the last two months and how we used online communication channels in times of lockdowns, guarantees, and isolation due to horrible coronavirus pandemic. We were/are online 24/7 - social media posts became our jobs, our cookbooks, our entertainment shows, our window to the outside world, but also our advisers about health. This is in one way a bit scary, and in another way great advantage of the period we live in. 

How we at INTIMINA are using social media goes in two directions. One is education about intimate health - from what is cervix to how food affects your period cramps. Another direction is empowerment - through influencer marketing we’re giving women a voice to talk about their experiences - from first period stories to period sex. People following us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram can find a tribe of the bold community who will help them amplify their voice. 

We have active customers who reach out to us when they don’t know how to insert the cup, or will their bathroom be bloody after removing the menstrual cup, or what to do when they pee after a good laugh with their friend… So, it’s not about nice photos, hipster shots, and trendy OOTD’s - we’re using social media channels to break the taboo and to empower! 

What is something that you wish they had taught you about women’s health at school?

That we need to be unapologetic about our menstrual phase, about period time and all the natural, hormonal changes women cope with. Unapologetic and not be embarrassed to talk about it if we feel like that. This is the lesson I think every girl, lady should take away from school. 

How do we teach young girls to think of and talk about periods with pride? 

Current education systems in various countries worldwide don’t teach them that, so big pressure is on alternative education, NGO’s, and even brands that care.

You can have a bath while on your period, you can cut your hair and dye it while having a period… Reading this we’ll probably have a laugh, but these are just some of the myths around period - in very developed societies. We need to talk, talk, talk - without shame about period. It’s the most natural thing about women’s bodies so we need to be proud of it.

Can you tell us more about some new exciting projects and products you’re planning at INTIMINA? 

Currently we’re running mentioned #WhileBleeding campaign where we celebrate women. We crafted a series of honest, authentic, and positive video stories of perseverance that the female community can see themselves in. 

Also, I’m very proud of our activation that will start next week upon Menstrual Hygiene Day which will include charity as well. One of the main issues surrounding period poverty is the cost of sanitary products. In most parts of the world, sanitary products are considered luxury goods—items not considered a necessity—and are taxed accordingly. This makes menstrual products even more inaccessible, so every year in May brands and communities around the world mark Menstrual Hygiene Day by raising awareness about these problems. INTIMINA will once again join this fight and speak loudly about period poverty in order to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for girls everywhere. So from May 18 until June 14 (symbolically 28 days, as one period cycle) for every product sold on INTIMINA will donate five dollars to the four NGOs fighting period poverty and advocating women’s rights.

In your opinion, what’s the next big thing for Femcare / Femtech? 

Although sustainability is the buzz word in the feminine industry for a while, we still didn’t witness its penetration in the mainstream. So I would say that sustainability among femcare is inevitable in our closer future.

We spend the majority of our day working. What’s that one thing that’s most rewarding about your job at the end of the day that keeps you motivated and inspired? 

The feeling I’m doing some sort of a change in society! I know it sounds a bit emotional, but I really believe that the way we work at INTIMINA makes a positive change in public discussion about women’s health. And if you add on top of that working with badass ladies across the globe, that’s a motivation! :)


This interview was conducted by Anja Streicher, Chief Marketing Officer of Women of Wearables. She is passionate about women's health, supporting women in business and is still trying to figure out how to balance motherhood and business.