Women in tech - hot topics and top influencers by Onalytica, feat. Marija Butkovic InterviewsMarija Butkovic8 January 2018
Women in Health Tech Entrepreneurs AXA Health Tech & You Awards - Profile: Marija Butkovic InterviewsMarija Butkovic4 January 2018
The Memo 2018 Culture Predictions from leaders at HTC Vive, Barbican, Spotify & Women of Wearables InterviewsMarija Butkovic4 January 2018
Booth babes and tech bros: How sexism is holding back women in fashion tech InterviewsMarija Butkovic18 December 2017
What does the future hold for women in health tech Interviews, Wearable TechMarija Butkovic13 December 2017
Inspiring our Future Tech Innovators at Wired Next Generation Wearable TechMarija Butkovic26 November 2017
Collecting data through wearables could provide massive insights and a healthier humanity Wearable TechMarija Butkovic23 September 2017
Why it’s good we’re hearing about sexism in tech more often InterviewsMarija Butkovic6 September 2017