Women & Health London event: FemTech - The Time is Now

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By Anja Streicher

We started off our new event season in London focusing on Women & Health, particularly FemTech. 

Health is something we all have in common. And technology today is a part of our lives and most of us are already using it in some way to track our health. Long gone are the days when we used to write our period days in the notebook. Nowadays, everybody has an app to do so. An app to track your period, an app to track your steps, an app to track your nutrition…

Technology gives us the power to know more about our bodies and health but there are still some topics that remain taboo when it comes to women’s health. 

So it’s no accident that we chose FemTech: The Time is Now to be our first event of the season. Because, indeed, the time is now - to open a conversation, to start talking about women’s health and learn how FemTech can help us lead improve our health and our lives. 

Investors and tech ecosystem have also started recognising the importance of this industry, which is estimated to be worth $50 billion by 2025, according to Frost & Sullivan, and there are amazing UK companies at the moment disrupting the industry. We invited some of them to be our panelists for the evening to discuss the future of FemTech, how we can tackle these taboos, and how Femtech can improve women’s lives through different stages and journeys - from period, fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum depression, to menopause. 

Our panelists were:  

Paige Fashoni, Founder and Managing Director FLUX Undies

Paige Fashoni is the Founder of FLUX Undies - reusable period-proof underwear that replaces single-use disposable pads & tampons. Through innovation and dedication, their purpose is to provide a functional, more comfortable, and eco-friendly solution to conventional period products. FLUX Undies empower women around the world, focusing on providing functional solutions, disrupting the taboo around periods and representing every type of woman across the globe.

Lina Chan, Founder and CEO Adia Health

Lina Chan is the Founder and CEO of Adia Health, fertility solution designed to help women throughout their fertility journey. Adia’s mission is to empower women with knowledge, and to change the approach to women’s reproductive health to one that is proactive, personalised and holistic.

Paljit Sohal, Healthcare Director of Consulting at Frost & Sullivan

Paljit Sohal is the Healthcare Director of Consulting at Frost & Sullivan. She has over 14 years of research and consulting experience in Healthcare, working a global client base, including Lifesciences (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology), Medical Devices and Healthcare IT companies. Paljit has a keen interest and experience in the digital space, including multi-channel marketing, patient engagement, beyond the pill services and Fem Tech. 

When women know more about their health, they can make more informed decisions about it so we will continue to host more events on Women & Health to give women the platform to discuss these topics, share knowledge and experiences. Stay tuned for more info or subscribe to our newsletter to be the first one to hear about them. 

Thank you all for coming and big thanks to WeWork Labs for hosting us in their offices at 70 Wilson Street. 


We always welcome new members to our community, so If you would like to participate at our events as a speaker, moderator, partner or sponsor company, please get in touch at hello@womenofwearables.com

This blog was written by Anja Streicher, Chief Marketing Officer of Women of Wearables. She is passionate about women's health, supporting women in business and is still trying to figure out how to balance motherhood and business.