Announcing partnership with AXA & 50intech FemTech 2020 Accelerator Program

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Women of Wearables are very excited to announce community partnership with AXA & 50intech FemTech 2020 Accelerator Program. This program will aim to find & support the world’s 10 best FemTech startups, and we hope that some of our WoW members will apply and benefit from this program through its extensive network of contacts, mentorship, events, access to investors and other relevant activities.

What is FemTech? FemTech (Female Technology) is a term used to describe innovations designed to improve women’s health. It is a fast-growing market that is currently under-financed, despite its considerable potential. Today, only 4% of tech investment in life sciences is aimed for women’s health tech solutions, but the market is expected to reach a $50 billion market size by 2050!

In the field, women are more likely than men to identify the issues that affect them, identify the pain points in FemTech and address the problem with innovative solutions.

But why are female founders still unfunded? Women healthcare founders mainly face two major obstacles when it comes to funding: firstly, healthcare requires more funding than other sectors and, secondly, technology relating to women’s health issues are competing in a heavily male-dominated investment culture, with a lower understanding of and empathy with women’s health issues.

Why is it so important to change this status quo? “Because we live in a world where there is one size, and it doesn’t fit all. It fits men”.  Even though women represent more than 50% of the world’s population!

“If we want the next wave of health tech to circumvent bias against women in diagnosis and treatment, we must do more to make sure that women develop it, we must make sure that it is built by women who can identify the pain in FemTech and the problem that needs to be solved”– Caroline Ramade, CEO and founder, 50inTech

This is not just a question of encouraging the women who work in HealthTech. It is a question of ensuring women to have access to investment, insurance, talent, and equipping more women with skills, confidence, and support.

That’s why Axa and 50inTech have decided to partner to design an exclusive Accelerator Program starting by identifying the next 10 rising stars of the FemTech.

“As a global health insurer, we know that we have a key role to play in enhancing women and their families’ overall health, a prerequisite for them to build their lives and reach their goals.” – Ulrike Decoene, Communication & Brand Director, AXA

Based on 3 key areas, Mentoring, Learning & Acceleration, this program has been crafted to accelerate their network and success. in order to help them: 

  • address their hard and soft skills deficit

  • break into industry sectors

  • support their pursuit of funds

  • become real game-changers

The kick-off will take place in April 2020 with an incredible Learning Expedition Week in Tel Aviv, one of the world’s Tech hub in the sector!

You have until January 30th, 2020 to apply to this exclusive program!

Parts of this blog were originally published here. Find out more about AXA x 50intech FemTech Accelerator programme here.