Global Survey Reveals 82% of Pregnant Women Would Like More Paternal Involvement in Pregnancy Issues

Femtech service amma pregnancy tracker surveyed more than 19,746 women from 171 countries to learn more about their views on the change of the father’s role during pregnancy

  • On a 5-point scale of the father’s involvement in pregnancy, 51 percent of women rated the father’s involvement at 5 globally, breaking down to 69 percent in North America, 56 percent in Asia and just 44 percent in Africa

  • 68% of women would like the child's father to work remotely and stay at home more with figures being highest in Asia (74%) and lowest in North America (56%)

  • 61% of pregnant women believe that the father of a child needs parental leave, but only 40% think that the father of the child should take parental leave. 51% think that fathers need few weeks of paternity leave

amma pregnancy tracker, the global femtech service for pregnant women and their families, has released the results of its global survey The opinion of pregnant women: pregnancy and the relationship with the child’s father (link here). The research studied more than 19,746 women on every inhabited continent to learn more about their views on pregnancy. 

Pregnant women rate the involvement of expectant fathers in pregnancy as "good" – an average score of 4.1 on a 5-point scale. Pregnant women in North America (69% of 5 on a 5-point scale) rate their involvement in the pregnancy of the father of the child higher than the rest. The lowest was Africa (44%).

The improvement of relations with the father of the child is more often noted by women during the first pregnancy (57%), while it is just 45% for women in third pregnancies and beyond. 

68% of women would like the child's father to work remotely and stay at home more. Asia is highest at 74% in this regard, followed by Africa, Latin America, and Europe at 65-66%. North America is the lowest, at 56%. 

61% of pregnant women think that fathers need parental leave. The percentage of women who believe that the father of a child needs parental leave is highest in Africa (69%) and Asia (69%), followed by North America (68%). But the percentage of women who believe that the father of the child needs parental leave is just 40%. 

51% of pregnant women cited “a few weeks” as an appropriate length of parental leave for the father of the child. 28% said that “several days” was sufficient, while 21% believed “a few months” was best.

Equality issues and financial concerns take center stage in women’s responses. 54% believe that the costs of pregnancy and raising a child should be borne by both parents equally, while 41% said that the financial responsibility lies entirely or primarily with the child's father. 

More women share the idea of equal spending in North America (73%), as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean (70%). The largest share of those who believe that the costs should be borne primarily or entirely by the father, in Asia and Africa (51% each). 

Find the full version of the survey here 

About amma pregnancy tracker

amma pregnancy tracker is an international mobile service and one of the world's largest communities for pregnant women and their families. amma pregnancy tracker provides clear, evidence-based pregnancy information and personalized advice from obstetricians and gynecologists. amma pregnancy tracker allows you to track key physical changes during pregnancy, receive medical advice from specialists and emotional support from thousands of pregnant women around the world. The active monthly audience of amma pregnancy tracker exceeds 1.5 million people. Our service tops the ratings of popular applications in the "Health" segment in dozens of countries around the world.